Who is Kat?
I was born to Dominican parents raised in New York City. At the age of thirteen I discovered my passion for photography. One trip to Time Square on my birthday night opened my eyes to the beauty of that amazing city. I’ve seen god’s gifts, of activism, fashion, everyone sharing each other’s culture through food, music, dance, and all different type of artist, from cartoonist, graffiti, photographers, models, mimes, etc; Come alive that night. I was filled with adventure and purpose for at that moment I knew I wanted to capture the essence of time whether it was a good time or bad. Why? Because everyone has served a purpose for the greater good and their story matters! No one’s journey looks the same and that is what makes this life so beautiful.
Maya Angelou once said, “If you don’t know where you’ve come from, you don’t know where you’re going”. For me that is why capturing the essence of time through my lenses is so rewarding. I get to share a time in history with older and newer generations to come. This love and appreciation of life has turned me into not just a photographer but an Oral Historian as well. I am grateful to be able to share my gifts with you all.